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Train from Munich to Rothenburg of der Tauber

We would like to take the train from Munich to Rothenberg of der Tauber, spend a night, then continue on to Frankfurt via train. Must you use stairs at the connecting train station, Steinach, or is there an escalator or lift? Since my husband has arthritis in his knees, he can only climb five steps if they are not steep. Once you arrive at the Rothenberg train station, are there stairs you must climb or is there an escalator or lift?

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1568 posts

I don't recall if there were/are stairs at the Steinach station....but no stairs at Rothenberg ob der Tauber.

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32212 posts


As previously mentioned, there are no stairs at Rothenburg, however don't forget the stairs in boarding and disembarking from the train (usally 2 or 3 stairs).

This is what you can expect at Rothenburg....


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19099 posts

You won't find an elevator in Steinach. It is a very small station. There are stair to the tunnel connecting the platforms. Sorry.