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Train from Hoek van Holland to Tilburg

I'm going to go visit a friend in Lakenheath, GB, and was going to take the ferry from Harwich to Hoek van Holland. I found the site for the Dutch Flyer ferry, and will probably do that, as it seems like a decent deal. My problem I'm having is finding train service from Hoek van Holland to Tilburg. I found one site on google that had an itinerary after my search, but said can't book online, and had no prices listed. As I'm researching this for travel later this year, I don't want to book, I just want price info. If anyone knows of a good site to go to where I can price out a train fair inside the Netherlands, please let me know. Thank you.

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8700 posts

According to the Dutch Rail site, your route would be Hoek van Holland Haven-Rotterdam Centraal-Tilburg. Your Dutch Flyer ticket includes train travel to anywhere in Holland on Netherlands Railway trains (not high-speed trains) at no additional charge. There is open seating on those trains and no reservations are possible.

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11 posts

Oh, ok, thanks for the correction. Sounds good. I hope to have fun.

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33204 posts

The very good Dutch railway website is where you can pop in start and finish stations and get good answers. That's the English bit of the website. The original Dutch bit has more stuff but you have to be OK with Dutch or happy with something like google translate.

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2829 posts

Dutch Flyer tickets used to come with a "any Dutch station" which allowed you to travel anywhere in Netherlands. Assuming that is still the case, you need to take the crap regional line Hoek van Holland - Rotterdam Centraal (no other options), then an Intercity train to Tilburg, where incidentally I live. Rotterdam Centraal is under massive reconstruction, but you shall find your way easily.

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33204 posts

Andre, Hoek to Rotterdam is just a normal Stop-Trein isn't it? It was when I did it. Is there something about it that makes it earn the "crap" accolade? Worse than others?