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train from Genoa to Nice via Ventimiglia

We're taking this train along the Italian riviera primarily for the scenery. Is there any advantage to taking the slower (3 hr) TRN train versus the faster (2 hr) Intercity train? I'm thinking the slower train with more stops might allow more views.
Also, are exact first class seats assigned with your ticket or can you choose your seat either when you make the reservation (RailEurope) or board the train?

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1167 posts

On that route I would definitely get reserved seats, especially for the Ventimiglia-Nice segment or you might find yourself standing in the aisle of a packed car as I did a couple of years ago.

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34595 posts

Don't get hung up on the designation "TRN". It is something the Rail Europe gang have come up with to indicate a "foreign" train, in other words not a cool train that they sell overpriced tickets on. You will see the designation IC or InterCity on that type of train. You will never see the designation of TRN on any other trains. By the way, I've done the run Nice - Ventimiglia many times and there is good scenery (between the tunnels) on the left side of the train from Ventimiglia towards Nice. It has been quite a few years since I have done the Ventimiglia to Genova run (mostly because there is absolutely nothing to attract me to Genova) but I don't remember the Italian side as particularly scenic, and with plenty tunnels.

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6898 posts

According to the Trenitalia website, there are no 2hr journeys from Genoa to Nice Ville via Ventimiglia. The quickest train of the day takes 3hrs09min. This will be on an IC train from Genoa to Ventimiglia. You will change to a Regionale train for the short trip from Ventimiglia to Nice Ville. Seat reservations are required on the IC train (1st or 2nd class). The other choice is the 3hr50min run on the all-Regionale train. No seat reservations permitted on Regionale trains in Italy. If no seats, you stand. The only extra views you get on the Regionale trains are views of the multiple train stations. The ticket does cost less than the ticket on the IC train. The difference in fares is about 7E-8E (about 20E-22E vs about 14E. BTW, we'll be at the Applewood inn at the end of next month. We have a nephew graduating from high-school in Guerneville on 5/26.