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Train from Amsterdam to Bruges/Haarlem

4 of us are traveling to Amsterdam in a couple of weeks. We plan to make day trips to both Bruges and Haarlem, and to travel there by train from Amst.
Can you buy food on the trains?
Are you allowed to take your own?
Bathrooms on trains?
Any and all info would be greatly appreciated; thanks very much!

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8700 posts

I don't know if there is food service on the IC trains between Amsterdam and Bruges. On European trains you can bring your own food, alcoholic beverages included. Yes, there are restrooms on the trains.

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359 posts

Margaret, even it they have a cart of food/coffee pushed up the InterCity train aisle for purchase, you will not be impressed. Stop in at the nearest Albert Hein supermarket (the Dutch 'A&P') nearest your hotel, stock up for lunch with decent pre-made sandwiches/salads/etc. (they also sell beer/wine) and picnic on the train(s). If you haven't seen already, Google for the Dutch train system; schedules, prices, routes, stops, 'from/to' maps of your journey(s). Oh, as Tim says, there are restrooms onboard -you probably won't be impressed with those either......

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875 posts

Amsterdam to Haarlem is a very short trip -- you probably won't need the food or the bathroom. Don't go to Haarlem on Sunday -- everything is closed.