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Train connection times in Milan Central

Is ten minutes to short a time to make a connection in Milan Central, assuming both trains are on time?

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8700 posts

If you are packing light, ten minutes is adequate; but it would be a good idea to be standing at the door when your first train pulls into Milano Centrale so you can be the first one to get off.

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2207 posts

Gene, got your email on this topic. As Tim, says, if you're organized and your ARRIVING train is ON TIME, then yes - 10 minutes is an easy connection. Just make sure you're looking for a "departure" board as soon as you exit the train so you can see the platform of your next, departing train. This post, on tight connections may help: Making a Train Connection With Less than 10 minutes.

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43 posts

Thanks for your input. Think we will plan on arriving in Milan with more time to change as we are not traveling as light as I would like due to my spouse's needs. Since we want to take the non stop to Rome, we will have a little over an hour to wait. Have a cup of coffee and people watch. G