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Train changing

Im travelling from Avignon to Nice.I have to change trains at Marseille. and I have 24 mins in which to connect is this enough time. is the connection in the same station Pete

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8700 posts

Yes, that's lots of time and the connection is in the same station.

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33123 posts

Unless you have non-changeable train tickets you don't always need to change in Marseille. Many, maybe most, of the trains from Avignon to Nice go straight through.

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19148 posts

24 min sound to me like plenty of time if you are prepared. What I always tell people: Know your train's schedule - when you are supposed to arrive, the name and time for the preceding station, so you know if you are on time, or late. Know the track number of the train to which you are transferring and where it is in the station. If possible, know the station layout. Before the train stops, move to the end of the car, with your luggage, ready to get off (this is not an aircraft where you have to remain seated until the aircraft stops at the gate). As soon as the train stops, get off. Locate the steps to the tunnel and go do the steps. The numbers of the connecting platforms are displayed in the tunnel. Find yours. Stay with the herd. The conductor is not going to release the train while people are trying to board.

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33123 posts

Lee's advice is good. Marseille is a dead end station. So those who were facing forward going (if they hadn't changed trains) will face backwards when leaving. Also, because of the dead end shape, if you happen to be towards the front of the train (or have 24 minutes) it can be simpler to go around the ends of the trains until you get to the right platform. If you are towards the rear or middle of the train the tunnels can be easier. Have fun...

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2 posts

Pete, on Aug 20/2011 we took the train from Nice to Paris. Upon arriving in Paris, We would have one hour to board the train that would take us on to Munich where we would catch a plane back to Oklahoma. Sounds like a great plan huh? For some reason, about two hours into our journey the train came to a complete stop and stayed that way for over two hours. We heard later that there was something on the track??? Well needless to say, we missed our connecting train and it cost us $800.00 to reschedule our flight. EuroRail at least did put us up in a motel in Paris for the night, but it was very scary. Hope your experience is better than ours

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19148 posts

Ponna, you mean you scheduled youself to go from Nice to Paris to Munich with only two hours to catch your plane in Munich. Can't feel sorry for you. BTW, I wish people would be more specific with details. Eurail is a cooperative effort of the European national railroads to package and market rail passes. I don't think they would have put you up because your train was late. Euro Railways and RailEurope resell rail passes and point-point tickets. I can't see either one accepting responsibility for your missing the connection unless you had some sort of travel insurance with them. The rail system in Europe is not some sort of conglomerate called Euro Rail. French Rail might have accepted responsibility for their train delaying you. But I find that hard to imagine. If you purchase a Sparpreis ticket in Gemany (maybe a Europe-Spezial ticket), both of which are train specific ticket, and you miss a connection due to a fault of the Bahn, German Rail will put you one the next available train.