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train, bus or taxi from CDG to Gare de Lyon metro? Best way?

Our Rick Steves tour only gave info for taxi and bus from CDG to our hotel near Gare de Lyon. There is a train too...any ideas why it wasn't also suggested ? Are the distances between train and metro too long?

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9110 posts

Beats me. There's no metro involved. It's RER the whole way with a switch from B to A at Chatelet. I hate the station because of its size, but in this case the tracks are close together.

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8700 posts

In my post on your earlier thread on this subject I suggested that you take the RER B to Gare du Nord and the RER D from there to Gare de Lyon. Doing it that way means you don't have to transfer at Chatelet-Les Halles. As to why the RS tour doesn't include the RER, I'm guessing they limited their suggestions to direct routes: Air France bus, shuttle, or taxi.