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Train assistance in France

Fellow Europe travelers ... we are going to France this fall and plan to go by train from Paris to St. Pierre-des-Corps station in Tours to pick up a rental car (and then return the same way). When we did that last year, we had great difficulty leaving the boarding the trains — there was a BIG gap between the last step of the train carriage and the platform. Other people had to push us up into the carriage and support us coming down. Any solutions we didn't know about? Maybe there's a different door on each TGV train with lower step to platform? Or additional steps can be arranged with notice to SNCF? Any help would be appreciated. We are not disabled, but we are in our 70s and don't want an unexpected injury.

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6849 posts

Yes, you can book assistance from SNCF if the gap is to big for you. It's not just for disabled passengers, but also for those with limited mobility. That might mean a ramp or the train staff helping you board and alight the train.

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1923 posts

We were in France last year and requested assistance on SNCF. Our daughter was in a wheelchair (however she got out and walked up into the train) and my hubby and I carried our bags. They were wonderful!! They told us where to wait and they came and directed us when our train was soon to depart. They helped us onto the train.
It was quite an adventure! It actually turned out that the train stopped down the track in the wrong position so we had to leave out a different door which took time, and it was POURING rain, so our attendant ran pushing my daughter and I ran behind he got her on and helped me and he literally dove out of the train as it was leaving! Fun memories!

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10019 posts

Here is a link (in English) to the service that Badger was referring to - official service of the French national railway company. They should be able to assist with exactly what you need:

They have an online form you can fill out to request assistance right there on that page.

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11 posts

Thank you, folks! That link sent by Kim looks perfect. And the great story from Susan and Morris gives me confidence.