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Traffic Ticket and going back to Italy

After returning from Italy I received notice of a Traffic violation from the Car rental company a couple weeks later. They charged me 50 euro. About 2 months later another came through with another charge. I then received the actual paperwork from the police in Venice for one offense which I paid the fine over the internet. Its been a year and 5 mos now with no notice about the 2nd ticket. I go back to Italy in 6 mos. I have two scenarios in my mind. The first is that the rental company just decided to charge me again as stated in many posts concerning some crooked practices by these companies. The second is I go to get back into the country and I an stopped at customs for not paying the second ticket, if it really exists. Any help in the matter would be appreciated. I am looking for more of a way to see if I am kicked out of Italy. I have no problem paying the 2nd ticket but have no idea how to go about it as I haven't received any official letter from the Polizia.

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4535 posts

If you never got the ticket, then you can't be in violation. It is possible that Venice had two violations on you, got your contact info from the rental agency twice, but declined to issue the second ticket for whatever reason. No credible info has surfaced that a US citizen would be denied entry into Italy for not paying tickets. But people have reported getting chased by collection agencies for not paying. Since you paid the ticket you got, you should be fine :-)

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2876 posts

I agree with Douglas. In the highly unlikely event that you are questioned at passport control about an unpaid traffic ticket, I'd just say,"I'm sorry, I was not aware of any unpaid traffic fine. How much do I owe?" If Italy were denying entry to American tourists because of unpaid traffic tickets, we would long ago have heard the uproar.

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8308 posts

My credit card was charged by Hertz for a speeding ticket going over the causeway to Venice 4/2012. Hertz later charged a service charge for their time and trouble. Italian traffic violations are often via RadarCameras, even in places where there is no traffic and no pedestrians. If you owe anything, the rental car company will pay them and charge your card. Just go and enjoy your next trip, and don't worry about any outstanding ticket.

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23572 posts

The rental company does not pay the fine. The charge from the rental company was an administrative fee for turning over your name and address. The assumption here is that there is not a second ticket. However it is only an assumption by well intending posters.

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5 posts

It was in the rental contact that if I did get a ticket there would be a processing charge, 50 euro. I misplaced the 2nd violation they sent me that would state what part of the country I got the ticket, I dont recall if it was also from Venice. So lets assume I do have another ticket. I do believe that if they stopped everybody trying to get back in to the country there would be more press or postings on the topic, I hardly can find any. My next trip is a scholarship provided by one of Italy's major winery's. It would be a complete embarrassment if I was stopped thats why I need a definite answer or a way to rectify it if it is a ticket.

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2393 posts

Here's a thought - did you contact the rental car company and ask them if the charges were for TWO different violations or did they mistakenly charge you twice. I would also ask if it were two separate violations could they send any documentation. Unfortunately as so much time has passed the rental company may not have good records but it is always worth asking.

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5 posts

I would love to contact my rental company, go ahead and search A.E. MULTE FINES PALERMO on the internet and see some of the problems others have had

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4535 posts

There have been a lot of threads on the topic of Italian fines and I seem to recall in one of the threads, it was noted that the authorities have up to a year to send you the ticket. If that is correct and it has been almost a year and a half, it would seem that you have not been issued a second ticket. That was the basis of my assupmtion in my earlier post. Michael, you seem to be the exception to many posters with Italian ticket questions here - you actually paid the ticket you got and are willing to pay if there was another one. Most want to avoid paying and ask what might happen to them. Many here have claimed to ignoring the tickets. So far, the only reports for not paying by non-EU citizens are collection agencies. No one has ever reported being denied entry. I know that is anecdotal, but short of contacting the Italian embassy/consulate, it may be the best you will get.

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15892 posts

There is zero chance you will be denied entry when you enter Italy even if you indeed have a pending unpaid traffic ticket in Venice or wherever. Zero, zilch!! The Polizia di Frontiera (Border Police, a division of the Polizia di Stato which is the one checking your passport upon arrival) will have no record whatsoever regarding a ticket issued by a local authority. Zero, zilch! If you ask the Polizia di Frontiera at the passport control whether you have a traffic ticket to pay, they'll look at you funny and think you are crazy and maybe deny you entry on those grounds. If you don't want trouble, just make sure the Polizia di Frontiera agents don't have to work too hard and even try to understand what the hell you are saying to them in English, that's too much effort for them. They are just waiting for you and the rest of the passengers to go through quickly so that they can go back to the airport bar and get a cappuccino and a 'ciambella' (doughnut). You should know that all policemen all over the world are addicted to doughnuts, and that includes the Italian police. Do not cause Italian police or Carabinieri to stay away from doughnuts for too long.