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Touring Mont St. Michael

We are going to be visitng Paris in June. We are in our 60's. We thought about visiting Mont St. Michael, but just as a day trip. A number of people (in years past) have recommended that people only go if they spend the night there. Some people say it isn't worth the drive. Some people say it is too touristy. Some say you can take the TGV train there, which would cut down on the time. I see there is also a private tour company which goes there. Does anybody have any current recommendations about going there recently? Thank you. Elaine

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10344 posts

See my answers below, inside [ ] after each of your questions:We thought about visiting Mont St. Michael, but just as a day trip. A number of people (in years past) have recommended that people only go if they spend the night there. [That's the most common advice given here, spend the night.] Some people say it isn't worth the drive. [It's worth the drive if you spend the night. If you don't spend the night, it's a lot of driving.] Some people say it is too touristy. [It's very touristy during the day, huge crowds come from Paris on the big tour buses. That's the reason to spend the night, the hordes are gone by 6pm and don't come back until 10am. It's a magical place between 6pm and 10am.] Some say you can take the TGV train there [that's incorrect, it's a train ride and then bus for the last part, no train goes all the way to the Mont] , which would cut down on the time. I see there is also a private tour company which goes there.[There are many bus tours you can get from Paris, just realize you'll be one of the hordes. But we have heard that it works for people who feel they gotta be back in Paris to sleep.] Does anybody have any current recommendations about going there recently? Thank you. Elaine

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689 posts

That's an awfully long day from Paris. But, if you are dying to see it, are not sure if you'll get back to France, and will regret not going, why not. Yes it is incredibly touristy, though it's nicer in the actual abbey up top (you pay admission to this part)--it seems like a lot of people don't make it that far up.

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525 posts

My husband and I drove from near the D-Day beaches to Mont St. Michael as a day trip.( In our 60's too). It took a couple hours and after spending time there is was dark by the time we drove back to our B&B. It was NOT the best itinerary decision!!
It is touristy, crowded and I'm sure you would best serve your time closer to Paris to see more of the sights. You don't say how long you will be in Paris, but in my opinion I would stay close and spend your time not on a train. A private tour would be spending and don't know what they could add to it if you research the sight and see it on your own.

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85 posts

Personally, I loved it there. We did arrive around 4pm., had dinner (while watching the tide rush in!) and looked at the shops, walked out on the causeway to see the Mont all lit up at night, spent the night, toured the abbey the next day, and left by 11am. I really enjoyed it and am very glad I went.

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2810 posts

When I first arrived at the Mont I HATED it. It was COMPLETELY insane with the crowds etc...

We didn't even try to tour the catherdral until AFTER the day trippers left. Seriously by about 3 or 4 it's a different city and actually enjoyable! I would NOT go as a day trip. No effort has been made to control the number of "tours' per day and as a result the place is a madhouse!

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1897 posts

We (same age as you) were staying in Dinan in 2008 and went to the Mont in late afternoon (about 4:30)in late June. It was not at all crowded. We spent a couple of hours there, then drove back to Dinan. That was enough time for us. Check the tide tables if you are going. It was surrounded by sand when we were there--I think it would look better surrounded by water. The next morning we stopped for photos around the corner in Normandy--I don't remember the name of the town but consult a map. We got good photos of the Mont off to the southwest with meadows in the foreground. That day we then visited Bayeux and Omaha Beach before driving to Les Andeleys. This itinerary worked very well for us.

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6 posts

Elaine! Don't miss it! Just because it is touristy...nonsense. Does this mean we do not visit Seattle in the summer because it is to crowded. Of course not. If you only have one day, rent a car the night before with they are based in Maine, and start EARLY. Oboviously, more time is enjoyable. Take the guided tour while in the Abby. Start at the top and work your way down. Too many people get distracted at all the delicious foods and shops....just head straight to the top and enjoy! Much more enjoyable on your watch than the tour company! Have fun! Smiles, Katy Smargiassi from Auburn, Washington

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207 posts

Mont St. Michel is one of those special, special places. We stayed over night and it is magic and mystery... the tides come in so quickly and so fantastically, they alone are worth the time. Climbing to the Abbey (300 Meters above sea level) Walking the walls at sundown, hearing only the gentle sounds of birds and the the morning, at dawn, I climbed the walls again... there were only a handful of us... the mists made the shore look like a Monet painting... the tide rushed in and centuries and centuries of pilgrims sang the chorus...George, Pittsburgh.