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tour of the battlefield with battlebus

we are trying to reserve 4 places in april on a battlebus tour, but for some reason we cannot connect with them. I know they have trouble with comcast, but they do not take phone reservations and I don't know what to do. could anyone help me? Thank you so much ----Corinne

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511 posts

I would try contacting them with a different e-mail account (I had success with a yahoo account that we set up for our trip). I wonder with it being the low season and close to the holidays, perhaps they're short-staffed or out of town for a few days?

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9145 posts

Setting up another email account is so easy with Yahoo. Other than that, a call to Battlebus will alert them to look for your email. Sometimes they go into spam.

I doubt they would just go away for vacation and leave all their correspondence. They have the spring and summer season coming up and people are booking their trips all year round.

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32320 posts


Two alternate methods you could try....

  • Set up an E-mail account with Hotmail or one of the other services.

  • Use a friends (or work) computer that doesn't use Comcast.

Their web site indicates they have trouble with Comcast and a few other Servers, and they have a few suggestions on the site.

If you have no success trying the above methods, I'll try and find other solutions for you.

Good luck!