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Tour of Great Barrier Reef

My wife and i are visiting Airlie Beach on a cruise in February.The tour for the Great Barrier Reef from the cruise line is too expensive.Any suggestions as to how can my wife and me visit the Reef with a private tour company?

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23462 posts

There is a great barrier reef in Europe?

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9363 posts

You should probably ask your question on a forum where they deal with Australia. (Though it is kind of flattering that people think we know about everywhere!)

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32257 posts

Jorge, I'd suggest that you post this question on the Lonely Planet Thorn Tree Message Board. I'm sure someone there will have the answers that you're looking for. Also, if you do a web search of "Great Barrier Reef Day Tours", you'll find lots of possibilities to consider. Happy travels!

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9110 posts

Some of us stumble into other areas by accident. Google GBR and either Cairns or Port Douglas. You'll find a bunch. Although they originate from both places, Port Douglas is a bit less expensive and seems to put you on a better part of the reef. To get to the very best parts, you have to hire a boat for a few days or even a float plane / helicopter. Of course I have no idea where your ship stops, but on the couple of miserable cruises I've been on, there have been folks on the dock offering you the same deal at a better price. No matter how you do it, it's going to be expensive, really expensive. Were it I, I wouldn't commit money in advance. There are too many days the water is rough, murkey, full of cooties, etc, and the tours just don't go or go but don't let you in the water, or will let you in but you won't want to do it. It also depends on the time of year. It's almost of case of hanging around the area for a week or so and going out when things are just right.

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1525 posts

It's unlikely that any tour from Airlie Beach is going to the actual reef, because it's something like 80-100 miles offshore at that point in Australia. More likely, tours from shore would take you to somewhere around the Whitsunday island reefs for snorkeling and seeing the typical reef-life. Nothing wrong with that, it's pretty both above and below the water, but the coral is spotty and calling it the GBR is deceptive. Getting to the reef from much farther north, in Cairns or Port Douglas, where the reef is much closer to shore, is easier and cheaper. Yes, you can find bargains by waiting until the last minute to snag a boat just trying to fill up. But of course, you have to have the time to be flexible. I would stress that that there are lots of great things to see and do on land in Australia. While the reef is the most well-known site, it didn't rank as high on our list as many other places we saw during our four weeks there last summer. Enjoy!

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977 posts

Having visited Queensland on several occasions, Ed and Randy are right on money in saying the best access to the reef is further north of Airlie Beach, namely Port Douglas and Cairns. We did our trip from Port Douglas on a boat which took us some 80 kms. off shore.
How long will you be in Airlie Beach? Dozens of cruises and a range of prices from Airlie Beach to various islands etc. in the Whitsundays. Do a Google search. Love Airlie Beach and the Whitsundays. Enjoy!!

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39 posts

Having been on a cruise the called into this area, the benefit you will find of the tour offered by the cruise company is that it will tie into the times you are in "port". As far as cost it may depend on the type of transport being used to get you to the reef and what's included. I've never found any of these trips to be inexpensive. Some years ago we did a cruise that cruised through the Whitsundays and dropped anchor somewhere. We chose to go on the snorkelling trip to the reef and had a great day.

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1010 posts

I have no idea why you are asking this questin on this European site. My husband and I took a boat out to the great Barrier Reef, five years ago. We were in Port Douglas and Hamilton Island. Our suggestin to you is that you always book your tours with the cruise line you are sailing with. Otherwise, if your outside tour is late, the ship will leave without you. It is worth the peace of mind to do plans with the cruise line, evn if it costs more than what you think it should.