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Tips for Changing Trains within 10 minutes

This is our first time to Europe, thus our first time riding the train system. We have reserved seats and rail passes and a few of our connections, we only have about 10 minutes to board our connecting train. Any tips on how to transition quickly from one train to the next train? What should we look for first to head in the right direction?

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23568 posts

First it is helpful to know what kind of station you will be using. There are two types of stations termini, as the name implies are stations where trains start and stop. Shaped like the fingers of your hand. Just follow the flow of the people as most will be head to the top or front of the platforms. Should be overhead announcement boards which indicate which train is on which platform. It is very easy if you know the number of your next train - on the ticket. Also the platform is generally indicated on the ticket but that is subject to change. Platforms are numbered in order so just follow the numbers. If it is a station where the trains are pass through the tracks or platforms are side by side. Again follow the flow which will be head towards down stairs into a tunnel. Now you need to go right or left to the correct platform and upstairs. Again there will be announcement boards which will tell you which platform. Many are electronic. If you see a conductor on your current train ask him about the platform for your next train. Many times they know it. When you arrive at the platform ask the people standing around if this is the train to xxx. Don't speak English, show them your ticket with a questioning look. One other possibility. You may get off a train and your next train could be at the same platform ten minutes later. So you just stand there and wait. As for getting off. Be ready. If is helpful to the know stop prior to your stop. That way you know the next one is yours. The locals will start moving towards the door, good signal join them. Have everything ready to go and go. There will be a lot of pushing and shoving as everyone is trying to get on and off at the same time. If the train is passing through the station it could be quick stop measured in minutes.

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19240 posts

Know the name of the station, what time the train is due in, and the name of the previous station. If possible, know the track number of the connecting train. Just before you get to the station, gather your luggage and move to the end of the car, ready to get off. (Trains are not like planes. You don't have to remain seated until it stops). As soon as the train stop, get off. The boarding passengers should let you off first, if you're ready. If you stay in your seat until the train stops, you could find yourself like a salmon swimming upstream, fighting the flow of incoming passenger, looking for a seat. Locate the new platform and move expeditiously to it. Follow the herd. The conductor of the new train stands on the platform watching the boarding passengers. He won't release the train while people are boarding. The Bahn publishes the track numbers. If you don't know it (look for a glass enclosed case with departures Abfahrt) on mustard colored paper). It will show the train number, the ultimate destination, and the track number.

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425 posts

In French stations, look for the "QUAI" (platform) number, and the train number which should be on your ticket.