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Time to allow to connect from St. Pancras to Heathrow

Our plan is to arrive at St. Pancras from Paris via the Eurostar mid-morning and catch a 15:45 flight at Heathrow back to LA. Two questions: 1. Is a 6 hour layover in London calling it too close? 2. What is the quickest way to get from St. Pancras to Heathrow? Thanks!

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9109 posts

The quickest is to take the Piccadilly Tube line from St. Pancras direct to Heathrow. Journey time 1 hour 15 minutes.

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6898 posts

Ditto Michael. St. Pancras is on the next block from the Kings Cross underground station. Jump over there and take the Picadilly line to Heathrow. It should take a bit over an hour for this metro journey.

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5433 posts

My suggestion would be at least consider the alternative of taking a connecting flight from Paris to Heathrow instead, if you can't fly direct from Paris.

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33554 posts

Possibly, but not definitely, a taxi might be a touch faster than the Underground. It would all depend on traffic which can be difficult 7 days a week on the route to Heathrow. You might hit it lucky - or not. The Tube can be the best way, but you don't say which day of the week you will be arriving. If it is a weekend or around a Bank Holiday there may be engineering works on the Tube which may impact with a bus-substitution or diversion. For a flight to the USA you should be in the queue at least 3 hours prior. With 75 minutes on the Tube, and 15 minutes to get to the Tube, buy a ticket, and get to the train on the platform, you may have 2 hours available. What if the Eurostar train is delayed on the way? It happens occasionally. Will your flight be OK with that? Can you fly from Paris?

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17251 posts

If one wanted to avoid the Tube, and price is not a huge obstacle, would it make sense to take a taxi to Paddington and Heathrow Connect from there? (I am actually not thinking of Dan's needs but of our own, so "quickest" isn't a consideration).

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33554 posts

Lola, that could work. The concern I would have is Euston Road, which is the main road which connects the two districts of Kings Cross and Paddington. There is a tunnel (well, large underpass) midway along the Euston Road. During the week the tunnel is needed to take traffic under a very busy junction, but tunnel or not the road gets really busy and traffic moves really slowly. On the weekends the tunnel is often closed for road works, or sometimes the surface street is closed and traffic is forced into the tunnel. Edgware Road can be a wee bit of fun too.

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2 posts

Thanks for all the thoughtful responses. I think in light of all the variables and unforeseeable posibilities, we may take a commuter flight from Paris straight to Heathrow. A bit more expensive to be sure, but much more peace of mind!

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977 posts

For peace of mind, we always overnight in the city we flying out of to return home.

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220 posts

I've made that connection twice. Once by the tube via Kings Cross and the Picadilly line direct to Heathrow, and once via taxi to Paddington Station and the Heathrow Direct train. Both times it worked out just fine, but I was more than a bit apprehensive about getting to the airport on time. As a result, I no longer do a same-day transit of London. I always take the EuroStar to London the day before my flight home. It makes for a much nicer trip.