No way that would get FAA approval for safety, but it is an interesting concept.
If that's meant to go "in the middle" I wonder where the overhead storage for long haul aircraft would go?
More passengers, less space for the dearly beloved carry-on...
I can't imagine trying to evacuate quickly!
Since the airlines have lost money with business travels, they will probably make things more and more uncomfortable in economy so more people upgrade.
I doubt there are many evacuation scenarios that wouldn't be preceeded by instructions to put the seats upright and assume the crash position. Getting out of those lower seats, when it's almost impossible to stand because of how close the upper seats are, seems to be a big safety concern to me. And I'd love to know how the FAs are supposed to monitor and assist the people in those upper seats - especially if there's a middle seat.
I will happily pay more to avoid seats like those.
No way that would get FAA approval for safety,
The agency that certified the 737 Max as safe?