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Thalys Trains and Continuous Problems Booking Seat

I have tried multiple times to book a train seat on from Amsterdam to Paris. I now have had two transactions on two different cards cancelled, yet the transactions have been authorize to go through on my checking account. I notified each of my banks and I am now waiting to see if these transactions actually go through. Has anyone else had problems with this specific train system? I am now very irritated and will probably look somewhere else to accommodate my travels. I really hope I am not out $200, because the ticket I tried to buy was a non-refundalbe promotion they offered. Very frustrating to say the least. Thanks in advance.

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9109 posts

I'm not sure what you mean? Are you saying the Thalys site refused your card. If so, why do you think you have been charged?? Has it already been deducted from your checking account?

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5 posts

Sorry Michael, I did write my post in a somewhat convoluted manner (frustration). I tried to book a seat with one card (a debit visa) and at the very end when it was running the confirmation I received a technical error that stated the transaction has been cancelled based on the technical error. I tried it again with another card and received the same thing. I did receive a generic automated email stating that each of the transactions have been cancelled but the authorization went through on both my cards as a pending transaction. I notified each of my banks and they told me to save the emails and keep an eye on my account. Hopefully I don't have to dispute the transactions because I never received an itinerary confirmation, just the error and cancelation email. I was wondering if any others have experienced such difficulties or could recommend other sites for a train from Amsterdam to Paris? This is the first hang up I have had while booking my travel plans so far. I knew everything was going too well! Also, if anyone has recommendations for traveling via train from Barcelona to Madrid I would appreciated any recommendations. Thanks!

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9109 posts

I've booked seats via the Thalys site on several different occasions, and never had a problem. Of course anything can happen:( If you want to try doing it again, do it with a credit card if possible. Also remember the time difference. Right now its 10pm in Holland, so if problems arise with their site, there may not be anyone on duty to on fix it until the next morning. So try and make the purchase sometime during business hours Euro time. It should increase your chances.

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4412 posts

Shane, I've always booked my Thalys trains on After you're input your dates, etc., you'll be asked for your 'Ticket Collection Country'; choose 'Great Britain'. On the next page, you'll be given a choice between 2 items; pick "Continue onto TGV-Europe...Euro..." I also choose 'Paper Tickets'...FWIW...That's up to you... DO compare the fares; just now I found one train on the TGV site that offers a €98,00 fare; Thalys lists a €65,00 and a €78,00 fare also on the same train...only they aren't available anymore - the TGV site is actually more up-to-date than the Thalys site. Just because you SEE a fare doesn't mean it's a available until it lets you purchase it! Do be aware that even if your credit card purchase goes through OK, you may still get a call and/or email from your bank's Fraud Dept; if you don't answer your bank ASAP, your purchase will be cancelled!

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5 posts

Thanks for the thoughtful replies. I never thought about the business hours/site maintenance. I also checked the site using a different browser and the whole booking process was presented with different pages that did not have the ticket option that was available when I looked earlier. Perhaps the reason for the issues is that the promotion itself is no longer available? I will check the other site offered when I look to book again. I am going to hold off for now on booking this segment and move on to other parts. Thanks again for the replies. First time going to Europe and I am traveling by myself, I want everything to go as smooth as possible!

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2829 posts

Shane, it is common, at least for me, that if a transaction is denied on a debit card it takes still couple days to have the "pending" transaction cancelled altogether from my checking account - be it from Amazon, airlines etc. =============== As for TGV fares: it is not that they are more updated becaue they are more expensive than Thaly's ones, but because certain promotions and discounted fares for a specific train are available in one site but not other.

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4412 posts

You can get the same discounted fares on tgv-europe, it's just that Thalys (and some other countries' train sites) show all possible fares, even if those fares are long gone. If you don't know to 'click through' to the next page or two, you'd be mislead about your actual price options.