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TGV in France

Help! I leave for France in 5 days.
I didn't buy any tickets in advance.
Is that okay? Can I still the tickets
there? I'm only going to Mont. St. Michel,
Giverny, Annecy...all separately.

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174 posts

I am leaving for france a week from Monday and I have only purchased a rail pass. It was suggested to me that you purchase all tickets there. I don't think you'll have any problem at all.

Have a great trip!

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683 posts

You will very likely save a great deal by not having a pass but buying your tix there. Bon Voyage et Bonne Chance !

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4555 posts

You can still try purchasing tickets in advance at to see if you can take advantage of the cheaper PREMs and other discount tickets (check conditions of refund and exchange.) Some of these special deals may still be available when you arrive, but August is a very busy holiday month in France....most of France heads out for their vacations in August. If you don't book on-line, use the website to check out various options on the routes and dates you plan to travel, note down as many alternatives as you can, then visit a train station as soon as you arrive, and work through the list until you've purchased all your tickets. Two trips you mention will go, at least partly, on TGV runs, which require get a reservation included in your ticket purchase. For Mont St. Michel, you will either go to Rennes, then by 75 bus ride, or you can go to Pontorson, and take the bus about 6 miles to Mont St. Michel. For Annecy, you will connec through Lyon, either by bus or by TER regional train...the website will tell you which runs have which connections. For Giverny, the train (a regional train reservation needed, or allowed) takes you to Vernon, then you can cab it to Giverny, which is only a couple of miles away.