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Would like travelers' comments regarding getting from the airport to central Berlin. I plan to take bus then underground to get to Potsdamer Platz. Any tips that you can offer would be appreciated. I plan to hit the ground running when I get there - can I buy a ticket that is good for the bus and also for the other modes of transportation for the day, i.e. AB ticket?

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15106 posts

Yes, take the TXL bus from Berlin Tegel, less than half an hour, to Berlin Hbf. (Central Station). From there you can get to Potsdamer Platz by taking the S-Bahn, usually track 16 and 17 (?). Look for the "S" sign in green. Can't help with the tickets.

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15 posts

When exiting the arrival area and entering the main concourse, turn left. Walk to the very end. There you can buy your bus ticket from a human. I think the ticket is about 2 euros 10. I think this one fare allows you to make continuing connections with the S and U-bahn. If you intend to do a lot of traveling during that day, buy the Tageskarte, good for all day. The bus is just outside, slightly to your right.
There is an ATM machine near Gate #4, which you pass as you head for the transportation desk.