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Are there taxis at CDG airport in Paris that take credit cards or should we try to use an ATM at the airport and get euros first?

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12313 posts

Before you hop in, ask. It would be seriously bad form to wait until you are at your destination to ask the question. If they don't take credit cards, tell them you need a taxi that does - they will point you to a cab that does (or else you will have to ask until one driver says yes). It should go without saying that you plan to use a Visa or Mastercard (rather than AmEx or Diners). If not, I doubt you will find a cab that can accept an unusual card. I personally prefer asking for the price before I jump in, then have cash (plus a small tip) ready to pay when I arrive. When we get there, I count the money out to them, say thank you, and good bye. I use an ATM in the airport, then buy something small (like a soda or PIN card) at a news stand to get change.

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9110 posts

Some do, but not all have a cc machine. I don't know if you can tell the difference from outside, but I've never used a card. Since it's a gaffe not to take the first one whose size fits your needs, you might as well go ahead and get the cash. It's probably going to cost from seventy-five to a hundred bucks since it varies by actual driving time, amount of luggage, number of people, etc.