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Taxi/shuttle from Madrid airport to Toledo instead of train?

So, I've figured out the public transport options from the airport...Airport Express Bus to the train station, train to Toledo station, bus or cab to Toledo hotel. It seems like it could take up to three hours, depending on whether or not there is a wait for a train at Atocha. I know they run hourly, but it seems like sometimes they are sold out. It makes me wonder, after flying from the West Coast, if this is one of those times that it might be worth it to have someone standing in front of the airport with our last name on a sign. I see the cost at about $150 or so. Have any of you opted for this route? There are numerous companies providing this service. Are there any that you can recommend? Thanks.

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Is it $150 or 150E? Big difference. If you think it is worth it, then do it. It is a major convenience and that it what you are paying for.