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Taxi fare from CDG to Arc De Triomphe or AirFrance bus charge

Anyone know what the fare is and rules about extra person (there will be 4 of us) and luggage charges. We are arriving around 11am Paris time. Also on the AirFrance bus do you know if there is a group RT discount rate for 4 passengers? Their website only shows a discount for one way. And can we pay via credit card on board? Thanks

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If the first question is about taxis, the basic fare will run about fifty or sixty euro. The fourth passanger adds three euro, second and subsequent pieces of luggage add one euro each. You get fifteen percent off for four-plus groups on the AirFrance bus, but nothing on the RoissyBus (which costs just under ten euro). The AirFrance bus gives kids under twelve a half-price break. I have no idea if you can combine the two discounts.