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Swiss Trains - Travelling with a Car

In 1985, we took our car on a train ride Goppenstein to Kandersteg. We were anticipating spectacular views, but spent most of the trip inside a very long tunnel. This summer, we plan to return to Switzerland. We would like to find a train ride (where we can take our car on the train) where we can enjoy the ride.

I have found several web sites that talk about the panoramic train rides, but cannot figure out if we can take a car on the train. Can anyone suggest a web site that would help us identify potential segments?


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281 posts


Seeing that you are from New Jersey, I am sure the concept you have in mind is similar to that of the Amtrak Auto Train from Lorton, Virginia, to Florida. In the United States, such a service makes economic sense because you can save a 1000 miles of driving and a night in a hotel, getting you to your destination without the need of renting a car. In Switzerland, the longest drive across the country is measured in hours, not days, and the public transit on each end is so good that you do not have to take your car with you. As a result, the type of trip you are describing does not exist. The Swiss Rail System does operate a few auto-trains, but all are like your previous experience, they take you through a tunnel to get you to the other side quickly, and without having to go over the mountains.

They do have a click'n drive program with rental cars at the train station. Information can be found at:

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281 posts

using this system, you can arrive at your destination, pick-up your reserved car, for hours or days, and be on your way. I am assuming that you are renting a car for the time you are in Switzerland. Also, if you are only going to Switzerland, consider getting a Swiss Pass.

If you give some idea of your intinerary, more suggestions can be given, by people on this site that have traveled that route.


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2 posts

Actually, we are considering buying a car for European delivery. This would rule out dropping the car off before catching the train.

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505 posts

If you can schedule your trip to get the car after Switzerland, I would do it that way. The Swiss rail system is WORLD class - the trains are clean, fast, on-time and you can even have your luggage delivered for a small fee. And there are some places you can't even get to by car.

I'd go for the Swiss Pass, and get the car after the trip. You'll save hassle and money (Switzerland is the most expensive place in Europe - I don't even want to think what the cost of petrol or parking would be...eek!).
