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Swiss Half-Price Rail Card

My daughter will be studying in Brig beginning January 12. We're looking into rail options, as we expect she'll be doing a lot of traveling while there (she's returning to Seattle April 28). I expect much of her exploring initially will be in Switzerland. The SBB site has a link for travelers from abroad that offers a 1/2 price fare card for travel within Switzerland at a cost of 99 CHF for one month. However, when I click for info on ticket prices from Geneva to Brig, there is a link to purchase a one-year 1/2 price card for 150 CHF. I'm confused. Is the 150 CHF card available for purchase by travelers from the US? It sure seems to be a much better deal than buying the one month card.

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Hi David,

I am currently living in Zurich for 2 months. You ask a very good question. If I had known the answer a month and a half ago, I would have gone with the full year card. You are correct, a one-month card is 99 CHF and a year card is 150 CHF. Both are available to Americans (The one-month is not available to locals, since it would be a rip-off for them). Just go to a train station with a passport (you may need an additional photo for the year card). The one-month card only makes sense if you plan to be in Switzerland for one-month or less and will be traveling a bunch. It is a bit of a rip-off, but the best option for one-month visitors.

In my opinion, the half-fare card is the best option for living and traveling within Switzerland. My best advice is to take day trips anywhere in the country and only pay 54 CHF (once you have the half-fare card) for all day travel on the weekends or after 09:00 on weekdays. It's called the 9'oclock pass and is only available with a half-fare card. For shorter trips (or only one-way trips), the fares may be even cheaper.

Hope this helps,