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still wondering about a pass vs PTP...also Paris to SanSebastian??

So I thought I had decided to do a 3 country/8 day pass, for our 3 week trip to France/Spain/Italy...but then I found out that in Italy it would be much cheaper to go point to point. Since over half of our train trips will be within Italy, I thought it may be cheaper to get a 3 country/5 day pass and only use the pass on the most expensive trips (most France/Spain trips), and do more point to point within Italy. At least that way we still get the benefits of having the pass (like transit in Paris). Does this sound like a good idea?
Our first train trip will be from Paris to San Sebastian, Spain. I am having a hard time finding the cost for this trip, can someone recommend a website to try for cost of trip?
Also, what is the extra charge for taking a sleeper train with a Eurorail pass?
Thanks for your help with my tedious questions!

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19232 posts

For the actual price of the sleeper, at the price if purchased over there, try Euraide will actually purchase the sleeper accommodations for you for $50 per order.

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4555 posts won't get free transportation in Paris with a Eurail pass. You only get free transportation down RER line B from CDG to Gare du Nord and back again. Secondly, the site to check out point to point fares for France would be Spain, check . To push the sncf site into English, click on the "train" tab, then look in the browser title windown for the section that says "LANG=FR"...change the FR to UK and hit your "enter" key and you'll be in English. I think you will find that point to point tickets will be far less expensive, especially if you look at the second-class tickets, and if you can take advantage of some of the early booking deals (if your schedule is set enough). Be aware that, even with a rail pass, many fast trains require compulsory reservations, which will cost you more, and which might not be available to passholders if you wait until just before the departure time to walk up to the ticket window. When trying the Paris-San Sebastian run, use Irun as your destination....San Sebastian is only a few miles from there, and easily reachable by local train.

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1358 posts

The agencies selling RR tickets have toll free phone numbers which you should use to talk with an agent so you can ask your questions.

Asking other travelers is a good start, but conditions and fares change; so to be up to date on everything, you should talk with an agent. You can then order from the agent or on the net.

I have nearly always found point2point to be cheaper for my needs than the rail pass. But you should research both forms before you buy (talk with an agent before buying).