I will be in Europe for a total of 3 months and I will be using public transportation (trains and ferrys) during the following times:
(fly into Frankfurt)
-Frankfurt to Strasbourg, France to Gertwiller, France
-Gertwiller, France to Strasbourg, France (ROUND TRIP)
- Gertwiller to Strasbourg to ,UK to _ferry to end up in Dublin, Ireland
-Dublin to Galway, Ireland
-Galway, Ireland to ___ to ____ to get to Zurich, Switzerland
-Zurich, Switzerland to Tuscany, Italy
-Tuscany Italy to Strasbourg France to Gertwiller France
-Gertwiller to Stasbourg to Munich, Germany (ROUND TRIP)
-Gertwiller to Strasbourg to Frankfurt
(fly home)
If anyone can inform me if they think a eurail 3 month global pass with a student discount (a little over 1,400) would be a good idea with all of these long train rides, please let me know. Also, if anyone can offer advice on train routes or fill in any of my blanks on how to get from one destination to another I would be very appreciative
thank you!!