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Should I fly from Prague to Krakow or take the Night Train?

I have read all of the posts and still cannot decide. Seems like on LOT, Polish Airlines, the trip takes 5 hours with a 1 stop in Warsaw. The cost? Around $300 for 2. The train, from what I have read would be cheaper but longer. Any advice?

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479 posts

Mike, I know what I'd do, but it's all up to what you want to do. A night train has 2 advantages. You save on the cost of a night in a hotel and the train stations are typically in the middle or very near the middle of the cities that you want to see. The plane is definitely faster, and sleeping in a hotel rather than a sleeper car is more comfortable and more secure.

All of that being said, I prefer night trains to flights. It all depends on what is important to you.

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40 posts

My wife and I took the night train from Praque to Krakow in April. It seems the price for the two of us was around $125.00 for the sleeper, I slept fine but my wife would wake up at each stop.

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8 posts

My wife and I are having the same dilema. Our problem is that half of the reason we travel anywhere is for the nightlife so night trains don't really appeal to us - we feel it's wasting a good night out. So we're still deciding what to do. We can't believe how difficult it is to fly in and out of Krakow to just about anywhere on the continent.

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12040 posts

I took the train in the opposite direction during the day. I recall it being less than a 4 hour trip, quite scenic, convenient and cheap.