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Short layover at Charles De Gaulle Airport

Flying Air France to Paris (CDG) and again on Air France to Budapest. Only have 1 hr. 15 minutes between flights. Do we have any chance of making our flight? Do we go through security in Paris? Our tour company made the reservations, and we have realized the short layover problem way too late in the process to economically change our tickets.

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9109 posts

Assuming you plane lands on time you should have just make it. You will have to pass through both Immigration, and a security check before you reach the gate for Budapest. Air France has seven non-stop flights a day from CDG to Budapest, so if you do miss your original flight there is a good chance they can find room for you on a later flight.

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31 posts

We have made connections at CDG in the time you have with little problem. Make sure you print out the directions on the Air France website if you have to change terminals. Check here:
Click on "Display the transfer routes", put in your arrival and departure information and a transfer route will be displayed which you can print out. If you change terminals you will have to go through passport control and security again, but you should be able to check your luggage all the way through to Budapest, since you're flying AF all the way.

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9109 posts

"If you change terminals you will have to go through passport control and security again" You have to go passport control and security no matter what....even if the connecting plane is in the same terminal.

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16 posts

Thanks for all the info. We are supposed to only be in terminal 2 which should help. Now, if our trans-atlantic flight is on time, perhaps we have a chance of making our connections.

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32325 posts

Helen, As the others have mentioned, 1.25 hours should be adequate, but there are some "variables" which will likely have a bearing on the situation. For example: > You'll have to go through Immigration, as it's your first entry into the E.U. If several flights arrive at the same time, that could take a while. > Try and get seating near the front of the "coach" section, so you can disembark as quickly as possible when you arrive at CDG. If you're seated in the back and have to wait for Business Class and the rest of Coach to disembark, it will take valuable time. > See if you can determine whether your flight from the U.S. uses the same terminal as the flight departing to Budapest. As they are both Air France flights, that might be a possibility (I didn't check). > Don't stop for coffee! I had a ONE HOUR connection in Frankfurt this year, and I questioned both the Travel Agent and Flight Attendants on whether this was reasonable. Both assured me that it was a "legal connecting time" and that's why the airline booked it that way. Hopefully, the staff at CDG is as efficient as those in FRA. Happy travels!

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1167 posts

If I were you I would contact Air France and see if you will book you on a later flight without charge. If they say no and you miss your connection they will have to do it anyway. If they will you will have a much less stressful connection and won't have to worry about getting to Budapest too late for your arrangements there.