Help! Whats the best way to get from SFO (or SJC or OAK) to Athens? Best way to get between Athens and Rome, Italy? (2 travelers, 2 itineraries) Thanks! We are United members but lacking the mileage for free travel.
Hi kr. What is the total number of days that you will be away from California ? What is your price range for transportation ? If you answer those questions here, I can offer my suggestion.
Fly both legs. We could be more helpful if you will ask a more specific question that helps us out. Use the search box, above right, to find dozens of discussions on this site about how to shop online for airfares.
Without being obvious, you will fly into Athens, probably with a stop in Europe enroute (Paris,London, Frankfurt, or Amsterdam likely). Consider flying open jaw, into Athens, out of Rome. Even though you have a United account, take whatever is cheapest and don't be concerned with the miles. For Athens to Rome, if you are short on time and are not planning on seeing what's in between, fly. Look at Aegean Air (