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Sent on dangerous side trip when Google targeted wrong Kastania

Kastania with its Byzantine church was worth our visit, but we found out the hard way that there is another Kastania nearby, on the east side of the Mani. Coming from further south on the peninsula (Dirou Caves), Google Maps chose the wrong Kastania. We did not want to retrace our route from Kardamyli so we crossed the peninsula and headed north trusting Google. We reached the wrong Kastania and found nothing there, just a small half-deserted hamlet. So we let Google maps suggest a route back to Kardamyli and it sent us up a narrow hairpin road to a pass, where a modern monastery (Moni Panagia Giatrissa) is located. This was worth a visit in itself but we had no time by then after our drive. By now it was approaching sunset and we had executed an all-day, tortuous "U-shaped" drive and were not that far from Kardamyli, according to Google.

We had seen no vehicles for an hour but found a forlorn traveler from France standing by the monastery who had also visited the wrong Kastania -- on foot. We gave her a ride. Google Maps (ours and hers) said to continue, but what confronted us was a steep dirt road, hardly more than a track, down the west side of the peninsula from the monastery. We plunged down it in our Peugeot but the road deteriorated and we were soon bottoming out frequently with no way to turn around. There was no question of turning back because our 2WD car did not have the traction to back miles up the steep grade, we really needed an SUV. One extra-deep rut or a boulder in the road would have stopped us in our sedan for the night, unable to continue. Fortunately our French trekker knew the area and began to recognize the terrain below so she encouraged us to continue, and we ultimately emerged onto a one-lane paved road and soon found the real Kastania.

Though unplanned travel often makes the best memories, this could have turned into a bad experience for us and I wanted to warn others about it. Make sure your Google Maps chooses the correct Kastania!

Posted by
8649 posts

I'm sorry you had such an experience but glad you made it out okay! However, I did want to say that all travelers who use GPS apps should be careful when plugging in names that have multiple locations. Check the map before you leave to make sure it's the location you want.

I've done that myself before and wound up driving on a dirt road for 30 minutes before I realized I was heading to the wrong town. But I don't think you can blame it on Google (or whatever app you're using).

Posted by
9375 posts

Another example of why technology isn’t always the best option. Paper maps are still a valuable resource.

Unfortunate experience to have endured.

OP will you be sharing a trip report?

Posted by
8331 posts

Another example of why technology isn’t always the best option. Paper maps are still a valuable resource.

Well, you can make the same mistake on a paper map. I think the error is more on the OPs part, not Google. You type in a name, it directs you there, you are responsible for making sure it is where you intended to go. Villages and places with the same or similar names are not unusual. Technology is a tool, you have to have the ability and sense to use it correctly.

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8143 posts

It is exactly for this reason that some emergency squads in Iceland have internally used the term, "Death By GPS." (Citation: The New Yorker magazine.) If you're lucky, you learn about this by being once taken to, say, the wrong side of a fence around your desired US destination. I'm glad you got home safe.

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3961 posts

Oh my word, sorry to hear about your side trip. Glad you persevered and made it to Kastania! We were there in 2017. Fond memories of our tour arriving in the village and approaching some towns people seated outside enjoying the day. We then were escorted up the steep cobbled hill to visit the Frescoed Churches and Chapels. The Byzantine Church of St. Peter is the oldest of ten Byzantine monuments in the village. I am looking at my photos now with a smile on my face. Edited to add: For those who want to visit-

Posted by
5 posts

In response to comments received so far: I agree. This was no fault of Google Maps. We used it everywhere in other circumstances and it was invaluable to us. We should indeed have double-checked against a paper map, we even had a really good one -- in our hotel room...

It was my bad, as they say. But since Kastania, Greece, is a featured destination and at least one other person was in our predicament that day, I thought it worth relating our lesson learned.

Another lesson learned was: more time needed to explore the Mani Peninsula. It is a fantastic place.

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5035 posts

I agree it is helpful to relate your experience! It’s a mistake we can all make, at one time or the other, regardless of an initial inclination to think otherwise. Some occasions just might have more serious consequences than others.

Plus it was really nice of you to give the other forlorn traveler a ride! That alone makes a great adventure. Teamwork!

Posted by
8649 posts

That WAS nice of you to offer someone a ride - and it looks like she was able to help with the remainder of the ride. Always a plus. :)

I do agree with Paul that paper maps can also be tricky. I once got lost on the Yorkshire moors using a paper map and found my way out through blind luck. But that's part of the fun of traveling, right (although I think I would have been petrified by the OP's route!)?

Posted by
4099 posts

"Or google "optimizes" and thinks routing you on to a 30 km long mountain road with hairpins and a 50km limit is better than the straight, 100km high-speed road that is theoretically 2 mins slower."
This is so true everywhere. I recently was given route that featured hairpin turns, lots of steep drop offs without guard rails and to top it off the entire area looked like it had just been part of a fire. The air smelled like a melange of ashes and manure. Thank goodness our trip was during the day because it would have been disastrous at night.
Google is always going to route you to the closest place with the name that is entered so it's not that Google targets the wrong location. It's that the user accepts the wrong directions. Sometimes when you are in a place that you have never been to previously, you have no way of knowing that you are heading the wrong way. Google can also just send you in ways that defy common sense, especially if your destination is in a tricky spot like where three streets meet or if the address is really not near the entrance of your destination.

Posted by
111 posts

Google maps accidentally sent us to Spain from Portugal when going for a place near the border. We didn't have insurance for Spain nor, at the time, had the appropriate covid tests. Luckily we found a way to return quickly (when we noticed we were on a bridge with no way to do a U turn).

And that was Google Map's fault. It had a turn that didn't exist. We also noticed later that it didn't do a good job in Porto and Lisbon.