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Security wait time on Trains??

How early should we get to the train station before a train leaves. We will be taking trains in the UK, Paris, Italy, Austria, and Germany. Is there security you have to go through? Are the stations very confusing? Are trains generally on time? (are they accurate within 5-10min. of arrival time??) Thank you!

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32198 posts


I didn't notice any security checkpoints at the train stations (except for the EuroStar), but would allow AT LEAST 30 minutes before departure (preferably a bit more).

The reason for this is that it usually takes some time to locate which track your train is departing from. In my experience this is sometimes different than that posted on the schedule on the wall (especially in Italy). If you have a reserved seat, you also have to find your car and seat, secure your luggage, etc.

I didn't find the stations too confusing, but they can be chaotic at times, with large numbers of people going in all directions. If you haven't read it yet, I would HIGHLY recommend that you check Rick's "Rail Skills" section in Europe Through The Back Door.

The trains usually leave on time, but don't count on it. Even in Germany, I encountered one train that was over an hour late in departing. The Swiss trains are the most punctual in my experience!


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683 posts

The only countries in which we encountered security checkpoints were Spain and the Chunnel Eurostar. Spain waits are about 15 mins long.
Trains are generally on time everywhere except in UK.
Be prepared to change tracks for boarding on some trains, as there are shuffles that need to be performed sometimes too keep everything running smoothly.
Stations are pretty straightforward, altho some (like Lehter Banhof in Berlin) are very big and at first seem like they cant be navigated.Ask questions. Many people will b quite willing to help. If lines are long for tix, look for tix machines, which are very ez to use.
Happy Travels, Bonne Vacances,Buon Viaggi und Gute Reise !!!!!