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Scotland, Northern Italy (Bolzano area), Prague

I am going nuts trying to combine travel to these 3 places (planned for Apr/May 09) into 2 weeks. My original thought was to go to Italy first (7 nites), take a train or cheap flight to Prague (2-3 nites), and then fly to Edinburgh or Aberdeen (4 nites). But I'm not locked into that order. I know it is an odd combo but I have accommodations in both Italy and Scotland that I would like to take advantage of. I am struggling with the air/rail/car options. I've looked at Easyjet & Ryanair - prices are great -so great that it makes me a bit nervous. Rail is more appealing to me. Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks!

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Personally, my instinct would be to fly (open jaw) to Prague and then head west by train.