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SAS Website Booking Problems

Are others having difficulty booking U.S.-Europe flights on SAS's website? For a couple of weeks, I've been looking at fares from either Newark Liberty or Washington, DC to Paris or Brussels for flights between June and August. I'm looking for the lowest fare for a three- to four-week trip.

Using both the regular calendar and the low-fare calendar - which always shows a wide range of fares for each month and fares on nearly every day of the month, I plug in my desired departure and return dates, hit the blue "search" button and invariably get two and somethimes three different messages on a red background:

1) "Unfortunately, we can't seem to find anything that matches what you're looking for. Please refine your search." 2) "Flights are not available for requested date(s). See other dates below." and 3) There are no available seats on the selected date. Please select another date."

Sometimes, these messages appear even before I have plugged in the dates or hit the "search" button. At other times, the system continually reverts back to the calendar (after I've hit the "search" button), which still shows the same full range of fares as before. These messages appear about 80%-90% of the time; 10%-20% of the time, my selections go through, but not necessarily with the fare or dates I want.

I've e-mailed SAS, and a representative replied within a day or two. Per his request, I cleared the cookies and my cache and tried using the system on Firefox (my regular browser), Safari and Chrome, all with the same results as above. I assume he's looking into possible bugs at his end, but have not heard back now for a few days. I also conducted a full scan and an off-line scan and got a clean bill of health for my computer (Windows 10).

This morning, I tried something different a few times with various dates and cities. Instead of choosing the lowest departure and return fares, I chose the lowest departure fare and a much higher return fare ($300 or more over the lowest) and had no problems at all. The same for a high fare-high fare combination. This raises the question whether the system's algorithms are rigged to steer customers to higher fares and that the low fares shown are fake or just no longer available. If so, not a good way to win customers.

Three years ago, I had no problems at all booking an IAD-CPH fare on the website using Firefox. And now...

I appreciate your thoughts, comments, etc. Are you also experiencing these problems?

Posted by
6869 posts

Couple things...

Many airline websites (even those of the biggest airlines) have things that are fundamentally, completely broken at times or always. You're not dealing with Apple or Amazon here, so keep your technological expectations low.

You would appear to be using a mashup of browsers and operating systems (I'm guessing you're running Windows in a Mac via VMware). I would suggest you try to keep things simple and try one thing at a time.

If I run into a website that appears whacky, I simply try the latest version of Chrome and Firefox. If neither one works, then I figure it's probably not going to work and there's not much point in continuing to fight it.

I would not expect much help from the airline's IT system beyond what you've already received. Yes, it's not very customer-friendly, alas, a lot of airlines often have zero sense of how to treat customers. Some of that might be attributed to current market expectation, where people have come to demand $49 flights from one side of the world to another, some might just be people who are not good at what they do and just don't care. Can't fix everything.

Posted by
28781 posts

If you haven't already done so, try using a tablet or smartphone.

Posted by
11294 posts

Try using a private window (Chrome calls this "incognito"). Sometimes, I find websites work better on these.

You don't have a smartphone? I was resistant at first as well (didn't get my first one until 2015), but now I see their utility. For booking airline tickets, sometimes the airline's own app works better than their website (of course, sometimes it doesn't). So, if you don't have a smartphone, see if you can borrow someone else's.

You can also see if you can find your flights on United's or Lufthansa's website, since SAS is a partner with these airlines.

Posted by
513 posts


Why would using a private window now make any difference when only three years ago the system worked just fine on the same computer with the same software and browser? Nonetheless, I'll give your suggestion a shot on Chrome and check out those two other carriers. You'd think carriers would do everything possible to make its sales procedures and equipment work flawlessly and to fix problems when they occur. Only the health of the their businesses and reputations are at stake.

Posted by
11294 posts

"Why would using a private window now make any difference when only three years ago the system worked just fine on the same computer with the same software and browser?"

I have no idea why, but I have found some websites just load better on the private windows.

Like you, I'm puzzled when large businesses can't get their "website act" together. There have been several recent posts about problems with the website for Premier Inn (a major UK chain), and these problems didn't just last for a day - they went on for at least a few weeks.

Posted by
513 posts


The jury is in!

In Chrome's private window, yet another bugaboo was added to the mix: I could not even access its low-price calendar for return dates; the page just bounced up and down. Departure dates - no problem. The regular calendar (which shows no fares) was not a problem. On top of that, a few fares showing on the calendar were not even "live" links; they showed as a lighter (more gray than black) font than those that worked. However, I continue to experience the identical problems as before: fares and dates showing as available returned the same messages I've been getting for days - "no can do", especially for lowest-lowest fare combos. Securing mid/high-high fares was not an issue. Just broken or intentional? Only the algorithms know.

In Firefox's private window, I got the exact same three "so sorry, Charlie" messages I've been getting. No improvement in operation at all.

The only carriers I consider for overseas travel are British Air and SAS. All my trips abroad are by bicycle, and they are the only airlines today that carry bikes without charge (which was the universal policy on all foreign-based carriers until 2008). They also have generous (e.g., doable) maximum size and weight limits for bikes and other sporting equipment. Lufthansa's site does not even mention it.

Every other carrier I've looked into, including Lufthansa and United as you suggested, either charge exorbitant fees (approximately $150-$400 each way) and/or have maximum bike box dimensions that are simply physically impossible: 62 linear inches, whereas the bare minimum for a boxed bike is 91 linear inches. SAS and BA have total linear maximums of 115" and 130". They get my business (as long as the reservation system works, that is!).

Since I have not heard back from SAS for four days now, I e-mailed the rep who did initially respond my original post above so that he's aware of the full extent of the problems. I'm not holding my breath of a reply though.

Posted by
11294 posts

Now that you've explained things more thoroughly, I have two last ideas:

1) Book through SAS by phone, and before doing so, ask if they will waive the phone booking fee since you tried and were unable to book online. Their US phone number is (800) 221-2350.

2) Fly British Air.