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San Sebastian to Granada

Need some help with train connections for the above. Also, I see some suggestions on taking a bus - might be faster they say?

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4555 posts

Unfortunately, whichever route you choose, it's going to be a long day...after all, you're covering almost 600 miles. By train, you could leave San Sebastian around 8:30 am and be in Granada, via Madrid, by around 9 pm at the earliest. By bus, you could leave San Sebastian around 7:15 am and be in Granada, again via Madrid, by about 7 pm. Buses are modern and comfortable, and they do stop every 2 1/2 hours or so. Bus cost would be about 50 Euro...the train, more, perhaps much more, depending on which one you take. In Madrid, you'll have to change stations by bus or by train. By train, you can take one of the local commuter trains from one station to the other. By bus, you'll have to schlep your luggage by Metro, city bus, or taxi, to the other bus station. For bus schedules and fares, click here .

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2 posts

Thanks - was able to see the schedules from this!