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safety for womem

will be going to italy for one month and traveling alone. any safety tips?

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11665 posts

Rick Steves covers women traveling alone quite well in many of his books. Here's a web article for your reference, and another You can find many more interesting articles on this site by clicking on Plan Your Trip and then Travel Tips from Rick. I will say I never once felt any safety concerns in Italy, although I was with my husband. I would not hesiiate to go alone anywhere we went together, day or night. As you would in the US, be watchful and alert, keep track of your belongings, travel light so you don't have too many items to manage, and so on. Most of all, for peace of mind, use a money belt.

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2429 posts

Agree with previous poster, do what you would do at home except add money belt. Research where you are going first and I suggest if you need help, stop in a store or restaurant rather than approach someone on the street. Relax and enjoy, love to travel alone.

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687 posts

I do a lot of solo traveling, and the best advice is indeed to wear a money belt and remain aware of your surroundings. Of course, that assumes you're not planning on getting drunk and walking through dark alleys at three in the morning! In general, you're much less likely to be the victim of violent crime in Italy, but more likely to be the target of pickpockets, than in the US (where's nampa?).