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Safer to transfer from Paris to Brugge through Lille vs Brussels Midi?

Seeing a number of posts about snatch and grab purse/backpack stealing at the Brussels station. Would those who know recommend choosing to go through Lille instead?

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33175 posts

I have used Brussel-Zuid, also known as Bruxelles Midi for years and years. While it is not in the best neighborhood, and while there have been stories about Zuid for years, I've never actually experienced anything like that nor seen it. Where did you see this number of posts? They weren't here. Was it another forum? Were the reports first hand - this happened to me - or were they a friend said that they heard that ... ?

Posted by
5667 posts

Most of the reports of thefts that I have seen for Midi have been people who got distracted or stepped away from their bag. I've come through Midi many times. Just keep your bags close as you transfer, don't leave them unattended, and keep your eye on them if you go to buy a drink or something. Don't set them down and look away.

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5 posts

Hi Nigel,
There were 4 postings in 2011 in the "scams" section from people saying it was their personal experience. I know only the people with bad experiences point there... but my thought was if there are two transfer points and one is considered safer, I'd take my kids through that one.

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4684 posts

As Nigel said, there are areas around Brussels Midi that I would hesitate to go, but I don't think the station is any more dangerous than any other big station. If you go from Brugge to Lille to Paris you may well have to take a tram or walk between the two stations in Lille, and I think there would be more chances for people to steal from you during that process. I certainly don't think the risk of theft in Midi is enough to justify all the extra hassle of taking the Lille route.

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2734 posts

We took the train from Bruges to Paris via Lille two years ago. There was no extra hassle and no traveling between two different stations in Lille. We picked that route because the time worked best for us. Lille is not that big a station, and it was quite easy. If you find a train that works for you, I would not hesitate to take that option. If Brussels is more convenient, I would not hesitate to take that either.

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2223 posts

If you're comfortable walking around Pike Place Market, you're going to be comfortable in either of these stations. You're just going to live the same way you do in Seattle. I'd pick the most convenient route.

Posted by
2829 posts

Bruxelles Midi is not particularly more dangerous than similar stations. Just beware of the surroundings, keep alert and remember people aren't nicer just because you crossed the Atlantic ;)