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19234 posts

Just in case you were gullible enough to believe this isn't just another RyanAir publicity stunt, do you really believe they think they could get away with an overweight charge for women who are over 100 kg, but allow men to be 130 kg without incurring the same charge? Obviously in today's social climate they never could. It's all a ruse to get your attention. Well, I guess it worked, but in this case they got my attention just long enough to realize they're depending on the stupidity of their patrons.

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16036 posts

Andreas, I do hope you realize this is a publicity stunt that has worked better than expected.

Ryanair even admitted they are doing this for publicity yet it seems lots of gullible Europeans are buying it.

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19234 posts

BTW, I'm all in favor of charging extra for people who cannot contain their bodies in the space they paid for and have to use the space others paid for, but I don't think RyanAir is doing this to serve their costomer's best interests.