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Ryanair refund policies-NY Times article

I have not used Ryanair in years, but I found this January, 2025 "consumer service" column in the Times very interesting. It details how Ryanair makes it difficult to obey their own rebooking deadlines, and the astonishing news that they won't refund to a US bank account. This link looks a little funny because it is, in fact, a "gift" link that does not have the usual Paywall.

Original article heading:

==Help! Ryanair Won’t Send Money to a U.S. Bank Account. We Want What We’re Due for a Delay.==

After being grounded for 12 hours in Berlin, a mother and daughter were owed both compensation and a rebooked flight.

By Seth Kugel
Jan. 3, 2025

Edit: typo only

Posted by
28864 posts

Thank you.

This is yet another point to add to my list of "Reasons Why I Will Avoid RyanAir Whenever Possible".

Posted by
6657 posts

Yikes. We've only flown Ryanair once, and the experience was acceptable. Luckily, we didn't need to file for a refund.

Posted by
5507 posts

As I read that article the author seems to think that legislation requires airlines to pay compensation via various means. Actually the airline only needs to offer one method from Section 7. For example, this is a statement from the Irish Aviation Authority:

"The Commission for Aviation Regulation, as National Enforcement Body for EC 261/2004, cannot require an airline to use a particular method of payment. If an air carrier pays by one of the methods listed in Article 7, it has discharged its duty under the regulation.

If passengers experience difficulty with the method by which an airline has refunded them they should attempt to resolve it with the airline directly."

Ryanair is far from the only airline that pays out only by bank transfer via IBAN details, mainly these are European low cost carriers as it is the cheapest method and covers a wide range of countries in one go rather than needing individual country specific mechanisms.

Posted by
12259 posts

Heads we win, tails you lose.

They have no problem taking money via a US credit card, but a refund ..........

"Bargain" airlines are more fantasy than reality when EVERYTHING is accounted for. ( my $0.02)

Posted by
2743 posts

Whenever someone complains about Ryanair my reaction is "Congratulations. You have just discovered why your ticket was so cheap!".

Posted by
21534 posts

I will never fly them because of bla bla bla .....

Well, if you are going to be objective and treat every ariline the same, you will end up walking. Wizz and Ryan take it especially hard because people get angry that they didnt get something for nothing. "Its no discount if you want to check a bag, pick a seat with extra leg room, be first to board!" Well, it wasnt designed for you. It was designed for the guy that wouldnt be able to travel if he Wizz and Ryan did not exist. And, quite often "its no discount" with all the perks is not true. I comes a lot closer to the cost of the legacy airline, but havent in my searching for fares seen it more than the legacy fare.

So how bad is Ryan. SkyTrack give it a 4 out of 10. The worst part of the score is for inflight entertainment and for food nd beverage service. Well, of course, its a discount airline. You want movies and cocktails go fly Delta Business class. I just want that 90 minute flight to Bucharest to be on time. These are busses with wings. Expect no more and you will love them.

Oh, back to Skytrack. Skytrack gives United a 3 out of 10 and American 2 out of 10. Delta did get a 4 out of 10. Wizz is at 3 out of 10. But I know, SkyTrack customer reviews are no good because ......... pick one of about 10 stock answers, but mainly because it doesnt track with "Internet Truth". So find another source of rating. There are others.

Well, Ive only flown Ryan a half dozen times over the years, so not enough to take a stance. But never had my carry-on looked at, measured or weighed (but it did meet their rules), never missed a flight or had a delayed flight, always cheaper, sometimes substantially cheaper than the competition. Got exactly what i expected, meant I had to bring my own drink and sack and watch a movie on my phone.