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RyanAir Carry-on Policies

I've flown RyanAir many, many, many times and never had a problem (except once in Gatwick) with carrying on my 10kg (or less) backpack and a purse. However, it's been a few months since I've flown with them and have heard that they no longer allow a personal item and they require that you check your backpack. Has anyone experienced this and just how strict are they being with it? More importantly, how strict are they being on carry-on backpacks? We're flying RyanAir to Italy in a few weeks and I want to know if I should suck it up and pay the checked baggage fee now (it's cheaper in advance) or try to carry-on.

Thanks for your help!

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9369 posts

On RyanAir, one means ONE. You can have one carryon, period. If it meets the size/weight requirements, it can be a backpack. If it is too large/heavy you will be required to check it.

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2774 posts

They seem to mean it when they say they won't those fees!

For the fares they charge, the Fees are the profit!

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881 posts

But they can't stop you from wearing a jacket with full pockets. cough.

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15961 posts the right one and you won't need luggage at all.