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Rubbing salt into the wound

I always factor a traffic ticket or two and the associated rental agency charge into my trip budget. In March a speed camera nailed me in the Abbruzesse town of Cepagatti. As expected, the fine was €36,40 and the fee €50. What I didn’t expect was to be charged another €11 VAT on the fee. :>0 That hurt more than the ticket!

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3469 posts

You don't say, but I think this was in Italy? I have driven in Norway, Scotland and Ireland, but Italy is one country I have vowed not to drive in!

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3249 posts

Speed limit varied even on the same road. I was using Waze but was not alerted to the speed camera. Oddly, I try to respect local speed limits and just blew this one.

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5320 posts

Waze can detect speed cameras? Didn't know that. Wouldn't it just be easier not to speed in the first place? Or know how to avoid ZTLs ? Or not drive in bus lanes? We've had several driving trips in Italy and other countries, and have managed to avoid traffic tickets.

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10016 posts

Philip - wow, I never thought about VAT on a traffic ticket !! I feel like you do - the ticket is one thing, but to tax you on it is another !!

Hope they at least got the notices to you in time that you avoided paying late penalties -- and the VAT on those !!

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3249 posts

Hey Kim! The VAT was on the rental company’s fee, not the fine. And I try to obey traffic laws in Europe as well as at home. There was a change in the limit as it went through the town (had driven the same route previous 5 days) and I just missed the speed limit sign where the limit dropped.

Posted by
930 posts

Waze can detect speed cameras? Didn't know that. Wouldn't it just be easier not to speed in the first place? Or know how to avoid ZTLs ? Or not drive in bus lanes? We've had several driving trips in Italy and other countries, and have managed to avoid traffic tickets.

Fair point, but at least in the UK, speed cameras frequently are located at the places where the speed limit drops. So the Waze speed camera warnings can help alert drivers to sudden speed limit changes. Most UK roads offer advance warning of such places, but not all.

As for bus lanes, avoiding them is often easier said than done, as I'm unaware of advance warning signage for them. I found myself in a couple of them in London before realizing the lane had changed to bus-only; I'm fortunate to have avoided ticketing.