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Rome to Naples via train

Hi Everyone: I'm trying to figure out a reasonable way to get from Rome to Naples. I could rent a car the whole way but it's pretty pricey. We are going to be in Naples/Pompeii for 2 days but are staying in Sorrento. I wanted to find a cheap train fare from Rome to Naples and then rent a car from Naples because we are flying out of Naples to Venice. So I guess my question is if there is a cheap car rental company to go through for those two days from Rome to Naples and then leave the car their or a cheap train passage and a cheap car rental from Naples? Hope that makes sense. Cheers,

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23727 posts

Cheap and car rental seldom go together. Not sure exactly what you are trying to do. The train connect between Naples, Sorrento, Rome is very good. Second, a train probably would be quicker to Venice when you consider the time/expense of getting to and from airports. etc.

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2 posts

I already have the flight from Naples to Venice. I was trying to really find a cheap car rental from Rome and then drop it off in Naples. I guess I thought of maybe taking a train from Rome to Naples and then just renting the car in Naples and then returning it there as well to save some costs. So hopefully that makes more sense.

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11891 posts

Not sure why you need a car at all. Rome to Naples via train (Eurostar); Naples to Sorrento via train (Circumvesuviana). You can take the train (Circumvesuviana) to Pompeii and Naples from Sorrento as needed for sightseeing, and it is very cheap, very frequent. Then connect back to Naples and catch your flight to Venice. Do you have the Rick Steves' Italy Guide? He covers this transportation situation quite well. I think a car would be an expensive hindrance in this area, not an asset.

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811 posts

you don't really need a car. the italian train is very inexpensive compare to other countries, and i found it safe and clean. car rental isn't going to save you much, unless you have a group traveling together.

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4421 posts

If I understand correctly, you now want a car for your daytrips from Sorrento to Naples and Pompeii? Noooo!!! That's probably the one place in your itinerary where you don't want, and certainly don't need, a car. The trains work well in this area for where you want to go. Did I misunderstand your question?

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34584 posts

Are you mentally prepared for driving in the Naples area? I do it and am experienced at it. I can assure you that it is completely different than anywhere in the States, and different than anywhere north and west of southern Italy. Driving in the south takes no account of lanes, priority, or size of vehicle. It is all about who goes first, and knows who goes first. He with the biggest %$£" goes first. Rick spoke about drivers in Rome having all the lane discipline of an avalanche of rocks. He's right, and it gets worse, much worse, as you get to Napoli and south of there. This is not to scare you off, just to make sure you sre well prepared. BTW, don't even try to park at Pompeii.

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2207 posts

Having lived in Rome, I've done this trip both ways - by car and train. As you are staying in Sorrento, and hopefully NOT planning on driving in Naples, then driving is a viable, albeit far more expensive, option. You DO NOT want to drive in Naples. My wife and I almost got divorced over driving in Naples... by far our most difficult city to drive in Europe. I've probably driven in-town 15-20 times and each time I curse my own stupidity! I once drove a group of ladies in a Chrysler van trhough Naples - worst ride of my life. Had to fold in the side mirrors to avoid other cars and motorini knocking them off - and that's not while parked, but while I was driving! That said, driving the Amalfi coast is a great experince - unless you're there during a high traffic period (like in-season). We've enjoyed many trips and the views are incredible - but the driver has to pay attention to the road and not the scenery. Read about one of our trips here: Getaway to Sorrento. That all said, as recommended, the trains are a great substitute for a car in this part of Italy. You can get in and out (and around) Naples by train. Sorrrento and Pompeii are easily accessible. The Pompeii Circumvesuviana train station is adjacent to the ruins. So if you're looking to just get there, use the train. If you want to explore and drive the Amalfi, take the car (and drive like you live in Naples!). From Rome, look at these Rental Car Locations and don't forget your International Driving Permit. Good Luck!