The RS Convertible Backpack is a very popular item, and lots of people are using it. However, it's not for everyone.
The newer versions use polyester rather than Cordura nylon, so the older versions were perhaps a bit more robust.
Could you provide a bit more detail on your normal "travel style"? Were you planning to use this just for short trips from the train to the Hotel, or longer distance use? With any Backpack, one of the most important considerations is the measurement for torso length. With a properly fitted Backpack, most of the weight should rest on the hips, NOT the shoulders. The RS Pack has a limited torso range, so wouldn't fit me (I had a long talk with Rick's product manager on that point). However, if the Pack is lightly loaded and only used for short distances, carrying the weight on the shoulders shouldn't be as much of a concern.
As the RS Pack doesn't have a frame, some thought has to be given on how it's packed so it doesn't take the profile of a "sack of spuds".
It's a very popular product and lots of people are very pleased with it. As a previous post mentioned, you might want to have a look around some of the local stores, and possibly have a look at one first hand.
Good luck!