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Rick's Maps

Are Rick's maps available at a bookstore? Looking for Italy.

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138 posts

Rick's books are certainly available at the bookstores, I even saw them today at Costco, at much better prices. I am not sure about the maps, but it is worth checking before you pay the shipping fees. I personally sent his map back, I did not like it at all, he limits the maps to the places he personally deems worth visiting. And while he is certainly a hugely knowledgeable person, we are all different people, and what he likes we may not like and vice versa. I have two of his books, but also bought other books on the sames places, so that I am not limiting myself to his opinion only.

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50 posts

I have seen the RS maps at Barnes and Noble.

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769 posts

rick mentioned himself that his maps are not the typical maps - with ALL info - but rather a simplified versions to accompany his books/ideas. Some may not realize it before they buy it or might be expecting a full map. But he recomends using his for planning, and then later supplement the regular euro maps from the famous producers as needed. While many recommend buy in europe when there, I like to have them ahead of time for full planning.

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2534 posts

Try (a quick search for "Rick Steves Italy Map" showed they have plenty). Buy more books though so the shipping cost isn't overwhelming for a $5.95 map - they have zillions of travel books (one of the best stores on earth, should you ever find yourself in Portland, OR).

I also concur with earlier comments - if you're driving you'll need better maps. I also liked using the Popup maps by Compass - pocket sized and usually focused on the downtown/core areas. I used them in Rome, Venice, Florence, and Milan.

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196 posts

When renting a car, we like the regional Michelin maps because they show all the little roads and villages. Yes, they're big, but just fold/re-fold as you go. I also highlight the probable route(s) we're going to take. Borders can special order for you (they usually have only the general country Michelin map).