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RER-C train Paris to Versailles: planned outage in May 2014?

Searching for train schedules from Paris to Versailles Rive Gauche on May 21, 2014.

Schedules available now (April) do not seem to be available on our travel dates in May.

Does this mean this train (recommended by R/S Paris 2014 travel book, page 584) is not available?
If so, what is the best alternative?
Leaving from Rue Cler, need to be in Versailles before the 9:00 am (online reservable, and also in english) tour starts 5/21/2014

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4535 posts

The trains run every 15-20 minutes. You don't really need a schedule. If you leave Rue Cler by 7:30 you'll be at Versailles before 9:00.

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99 posts

My concern was checking for service in mid-late May (6 weeks from now), no RER-C service is indicated (only Metro/Bus).