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Renting a Car in Scotland Aug-Oct 2013

My wife and I will be visiting Scotland for the first time (our retirement dream trip) mid Aug - mid Oct. We need to rent a car since our itineary will take us all over Scotland. It needs to be a automatic due physical limitations. I've read horror stories about renting a car in Europe and looking to you seasoned traveler for advise. We will spend the first week in Edinburgh and then anticipate renting a car at Edinburgh Waveryly Train station. My wife wants to rent now and reserve whereas I would prefer we go there in person to find a rental. We are planning to return to Edminburgh for a couple days prior to returning to the U.S. thus time to turn in the car. Any recommendations? Rental companies?? Also, I'm concerned about how the car insurance works as I understand using my USAA M/C I am covered for up to $50K on damage to the car alone, but no liability coverage. Also, I've been told M/C will only cover me up to 30 days and I can't rent more than 30 days??? Recommenations for where to purchase that and amounts? This is a trip we've look forward to all of our lives all seems to be falling into place but the car rental issue. Appreciate any suggestions!
Bruce (7 weeks to departure)

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3551 posts

I have rented from many times for europe & scotland travel. Re your rate will be better if rented while you are still home online. Get ins if that relaxes you. but a small or compact car will be the best as parking can be difficult for larger cars.
Relax and get your rental it will not be a prob.

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15 posts

Appreciate the advise. Hand Holding not needed -- reliable accurate experienced travelers information to allow a enjoyable touble-free as possible vacation, with a rental car is key. Both of you gentleman have provided that -- and I thank you! In particular, the reference to Rick Steves article "Car-Rental Insurance and the Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) was excellent. I noted the article also referred to "leasing a car" vice renting if you will need the car more than 3 weeks -- which we will. Reading the article also indicates there are some rather important financial issues to be aware of. Again, Thank you!

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9110 posts

Good luck on finding a lease in the UK - - although the idea can work out on the continent. Renting ahead will be cheaper than walking up. I work my car rentals from the departure gate and get exactly what I'd expect as far as price. AmExp will cover you for forty-two days. You sign up for their program and the insurance costs you about thirty bucks per rental period. You can't buy third-party insurance or insurance from the rental agency for part of the time and have your credit card cover the other part - - it's all or nothing. If you bust the thirty/forty-two day period, you have to switch out cars. Plan to do this at a major location since you're going to need another automatic (see next paragraph). Plan the split so that there's at least a week or ten days in the shorter period so that the daily rate remains low. Just because you're promised an automatic doesn't mean they'll have one when you get there. Turnhouse has a lot more cars than Waverly, so you'd have a better chance of getting an automatic. Autoeurope is going to present a problem. You pay them in advance. If whoever they foist you off on doesn't have an automatic, you can't walk over to the next counter and ask those dudes to match the deal - - which they always will. I vaguely know of what I speak since my tail's in a rental car six months out of the year and I've rented four times in the UK (twice in Edinburgh) in the last nine months. I trust nothing AE says, don't care what I drive, and they still screwed me over last month. Skip the hand=holders. Setting up a car is a three-minute deal. Use and take the cheapest - - with two caveats: AE with caution and have nothing to do with Holiday (another consolidator which sometimes shows up in the kayak matrix).

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9110 posts

Glasgow has the most cars after Edinburgh. I wouldn't even hope for an automatic anywhere else.