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renting a car in France

My husband and I are traveling in France in December. We're taking the train to Souillac and will spend 1 week in that area. Should we rent a car in Brive
or is there a place in Souillac? Is the rental places by the train station?

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4105 posts

Pick up car in Brive, right at rail station.

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3 posts

We'll be coming from Paris to Souillac.

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9110 posts

Tough call. The simple answer is Brive, of course. The harder answer, speaking only of the Paris -> Brive segment might be Paris. The train probably takes four or five hours. Driving, it's right at four hours of road time. Bypassing Brive since you wouldn't have to actually go into town, you'd hit the Souillac turn-off in just about the same amount of time. Stop times are obviously variable. It's all freeway. A few parts of the drive are really boring. You're going to be paying for train tickets the same day you pay for a car and you're going to be burning up the whole day no matter how you do it. Gas would run about sixty bucks, tolls maybe twenty. Other than money, the big kicker would be if you've never been to Chartres since it's only a slight deviation. Also figuring in, is that you're going to pass right by Oradour-sur-Glane. Good pick on Souillac.