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Regional train Venezia Santa Lucia to Verona Porto Nuova

Last month I asked about trains from Venice to Munich in late June. Tim advised taking a regional train from Venice to Verona & said new timetables won't go into effect until June 13. I tried seeing a schedule using June 11 and 12, and the 11:03 train showed that time was "not purchasable" in either 1st or 2d class. How soon is the Trenitalia website likely to upload the new timetable, and is it likely that time will continue to be unavailable? Should we wait until we are in Venice (7 days before we would be traveling Venice-Verona) to get those tickets?
Thanks for advice!

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8700 posts


For regional trains Trenitalia only shows the fares a few days in advance, so while the timetables you found for 11 and 12 June are correct, the fares don't appear. To see the fares enter a date within the next couple of days.

The new timetables should be uploaded within the next week or two and they will be virtually identical to the current ones.

There is no advantage to booking tickets for regional trains online. Seat reservations are not possible and your tickets will be good on any regional train on that route for up to two months from the date of purchase. Before you board the train be sure to validate your tickets in the yellow machine. If you don't, you will be fined on the spot when the conductor examines them.

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Looks like we should go ahead and book the Verona-Munich train and then wait until we're in Italy to get the regional train to Verona.

Thanks, Tim!