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Regarding travel

Kindly clarify me on the lines below -I wish to travel from Chennai to Prague, Prague to Amsterdam, Amsterdam to Berlin, Berlin back to Chennai. -I need advice regarding 1)Which Airlines to be taken - Lufthansa or Emirates 2)Whether one full and two half days is enough to see the important places in Prague. 3)Which are the important places to be seen in Prague 4)low fair flights between Prague and Amsterdam or Dusseldorf 5)I plan to visit Amsterdam , Brussels and Dusseldorf and later fly back to Berlin- What is the kinda of visa required ? 6)Whether three full days is enough to see the places in Amsterdam,Brussels etc. 7)Good place to stay in Prague for a 58 year old husband & wife . - a good budget hotel and rates -present itinerary : to leave chennai (20th night/21 early morning and reach Prague on 21st noon leave 23 evening to Amsterdam leave Amsterdam on 27th morning .
Please kindly help

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20979 posts

Sunil, Pretty tall order! Which month are you travelling? My first comment is to make the trip Chennai-Prague-Berlin-Amsterdam-Chennai to avoid back tracking, but perhaps business or special event dictates your itinerary? Everybody raves about Emirates service, but I see you will have a long connection time in Dubai. Lufthansa should be good as well. If you were interested in saving money, you could go Air India. Great prices, I know nothing of the comfort. All countries you are visiting are in the Schengen zone, so you should contact German consulate in Chennai about visa. Prague sights? Old City in general, Charles Bridge, Castle/Cathedral across the river.
Not much help, but its a start.

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4 posts

Thank You,Just Need to know if one one full day and two half days is sufficient to see Prague And a place to stay in Prague

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33555 posts

Sunil, You have posted this same question in two parts of the Helpline. Duplicate posting rarely assists the poster and confuses those helping. You might do well to remove the other post.

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4 posts

Right sorry , i thought i posted in the wrong section so i reposted it there . :)

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4637 posts

In one full day and two half days you won't be able to see Prague, just a little bit of it. Besides you won't even have that long. Don't count the day you come at all. Getting from the airport, getting accommodated, eat, jet lag and day is over. I would say for Prague to enjoy it at least 3 full days, for Amsterdam 2, for Berlin 5. Where to stay in Prague. IMHO the best would be to stay in the Old Town, second best Mala Strana, then Nove Mesto (New Town), then Vinohrady. There are many hundreds hotels in Prague. I would suggest to google Prague hotels and go for location Praha 1 (Prague 1), Vinohrady is Praha 2. You can look at price of hotel, pictures of hotel and room, and location on the map. If you stay in Praha 1 you can walk practically to all important sights in Prague. Otherwise you will use public transport which is very good. And I would also recommend if you want to get the most from your visit, get a guide.