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Rail/Train passes/tickets

We are currently planning a trip to Munich, Germany and Salzberg and Vienna Austria. We will fly into Munich but would like to travel by train to the other destinations. Can you please let me know the following: What type of train do i take, can I buy the tickets when I am there and ready to depart or do i have to book from home. Also, we are interested in getting gthe mobal phone that you sell which my friend has, can we still purchase this through you for our trip to Europe? I look forward to hearing from you with respect to the above. thanking you in advance, Rich

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19240 posts

First, you should know that you have not reached the ETBD staff, but a community bulletin board of fellow travelers. There are numbers elsewhere on this site for contact with ETBD. To travel by train from Munich to Salzburg (spell it correctly), your best option is probably regional trains with a Bayern-Ticket for 22€ (1st person, 4€ ea added person to 5 total). You can purchase the Bayern-Ticket at any time, right up to train time, from a ticket automat in the station or for 2€ more at a counter. Regional trains take about ½ hr longer than express trains, which cost far more. The Bayern-Ticket is valid on any regional train all day long, after 9 AM workdays. For Salzburg to Vienna (Wien in German), there are a lot of trains per day so you can probably purchase tickets from Austrian Rail at the station right up to train time. Or you can purchase discounted tickets in advance online from www.OEBB.AT.

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32328 posts

Richard, If you're buying tickets in Munich, you might stop by the EurAide booth in the Munich HBf. They have English-speaking staff and are VERY helpful. They were in the DB Reise Zentrum (first desk on the left) when I was there in September. If you're interested in a "travel phone", you could also check the websites for Roam Simple, Cellular Abroad, Telestial, Call In Europe or other providers. Mobal tends to be a bit on the "high end" of the pricing scale (IMO). Happy travels!