if three teens aged 19, and two 18 year olds are going to europe for 2 months should we get a unlimited euro rail pass or is it better to rent a car. (we have a friend in london who could actually get it for us since we aren't old enough:) just wondering?
The danger in having your friend rent the car for you, but you all drive it, is that the insurance won't cover you if you aren't a named driver on the policy. That seems a risky route to go.
Whether a rail pass will be a good idea or not depends on where you all want to travel and how much you'll be moving around.
Have you discussed a potential itinerary yet?
At your ages you would qualify for Youth Pass pricing which is less than adults. It is illegal to drive a car where you are NOT the registered drivers. What a nice present you will give to your rentor friend in case of an accident...a big lawsuit!
i'm thinking the train sounds good...thanks!