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Radda to Florence - Bus or Car - Bus schedules?

Does it make more sense for my wife and me to take bus rather than drive From Radda in Chianti to Florence?

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Nope. It doesn't make any sense to pay $60 day on a rental car to keep it parked at a hotel. In addition bus service to Radda is very infrequent (if any at all). Driving in the Chianti is not particularly challenging. There are some curves and the two lane road is not very wide, but other than that it's not difficult. You have two options to drive to Florence. One is to take the Chiantigiana road (SS 222) and the other is to go through Castellina and San Donato and pick up the freeway from San Donato. If you don't feel comfortable with city driving do the following: 1. If you take the freeway route go and park to Piazzale Michelangelo (free) then from there walk down to the city center or take a taxi or bus. 2. If you take the Chiantigiana Road, go to Viale Europa. Once in viale Europa look for the Holiday Inn. Drive behind it in Piazza Francia and park there. Parking spaces are marked in blue, which means you have to pay at a machine. There is also a taxi stand there, or you can take the bus no. 23. That neighborhood is residential and very safe (I lived there for 20 years). When you are done visiting the city, take the 23 bus back from Ponte Alle Grazie or from Piazza San Marco. Or take a taxi and ask to take you to Piazza Francia behind the Holiday Inn. Option one is slightly faster, albeit a couple of Km longer. Take a GPS with you.